Did you know that OSHA and NFPA 70E requires employers to assess all equipment operating at 50 volts and higher for shock and Arc-Flash Hazards?
Don’t feel bad because many facilities and plant managers don’t realize this until it is too late. In addition to the discovering shock hazards, incident energy, and Hazard Risk Categories, a properly performed Arc Flash Audit can uncover other problem area such as power drops throughout your facility. The further into your electrical distribution system and farther away you are from the power source, the more likely hood of your power dropping thereby possibly damaging sensitive equipment and becoming another area for employee safety concern.
If you are wondering if your facility only needs one Arc Flash Audit and you’re done, you are wrong. An Arc Flash study should be performed every 5 years. An arc flash risk assessment is more about your and your employee safety and should be reviewed every five years, or any time modifications are made to the facility that can effect the outcome of the study. Major or sometimes minor variations such as fuse type or breaker setting adjustments can have a huge impact on personal safety.
How can I obtain an Arc Flash study or audit? First, try to find the electrical blueprints for your facility. This would be a huge help with the electrical company that you obtain to do the study. This will also save you money in the front end because the study may reveal costly changes and corrections. If you live in Georgia, give Ozburn Electrical Contractors, Inc. a call at +1 770-784-1618 to arrange a professional Arc Flash Audit today.
If you want to hire an electrician that can safely perform an Arc Flash Study, just give Ozburn Electrical Contractors, Inc. a call today at (770) 784-1618. You can also see and read more about Ozburn Electrical Contractors, Inc. at www.OzburnElectrical.com.
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